Thanksgiving Day

Be Grateful Today!
This upcoming Thanksgiving Day will be unlike any we’ve experienced. Officials have warned against large gatherings to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus, so the anticipated joy of being with family and friends, enjoying delicious food, and having lots of fun will not be the same this year. However, many of us are not even thinking about Thanksgiving Day as we’re suffering from fatigue of the COVID-19 pandemic, which doesn’t seem to have an end in sight as cases increase daily, and this chaotic election season.
Some of you have lost family members to the virus and may be hurting from other impacts that have left you financially, emotionally, and physically drained. What should you do? When I feel anxious and alarmed about anything, I become still for a few moments and take deep breaths. I do so until I return to a state of tranquility. You may think this is easier said than done, but I urge you to make it a habit several times a day until you become calm. It’s about finding ways to move forward and gaining strength from an inner peace that will dispel our anxiety.
The negativity of this election has turned off most of us, and now there’s the fear of violence on election day. Let’s switch off the noise and focus on love, kindness, and gratitude. We don’t have to behave inappropriately towards each other. Our relationships are more important than our differences. I’ve heard of a married couple, one a democrat and the other a republican, who posted signs in their front yard featuring the opposing candidates. She said that when she was tired of hearing about his candidate, she would move to another room. He said that in spite of their political differences, their love for each other comes first.
As we look forward to having a good Thanksgiving Day, in whatever form it takes, let’s remember what it stands for—a day of giving thanks for the blessings of the previous year. But we don’t have to wait for the next few weeks to begin practicing gratitude, we can do so on a daily basis by opening our hearts and minds to seeing the goodness in every circumstance. It will change our outlook on life and usher in more satisfying experiences, filling us with energy instead of fatigue. Hope springs eternal, so keep the faith for better things to come.
Today is November 2, 2020. I hope that if you haven’t already voted, you will do so tomorrow.