Turn Habits into Prayers
Gail Oliver Cambridge | January 2025
For the New Year, I want us to get into the habit of praying continuously. We can become easily distracted throughout the day with our various activities. To help us keep on track, I’m sharing 10 easy prayer reminders that were written by Bob Hostetler, pastor, author, and a blogger at Guideposts. He stated that it’s possible to turn our daily habits and
routine tasks into prayer prompts, and shared the following:
1. While pouring a morning cup of coffee, pray, “God, thank you
that your love has been poured out into my heart through
the Holy Spirit” (see Romans 5:5).
2. Before turning on the car radio, “Lord, tune my heart to sing
Thy grace” (from “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”).
3. While getting dressed, pray, “God, clothe me today with
compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience”
(see Colossians 3:12).
4. Before turning on the stove or oven, “Save me, God, from being
lukewarm in my love for you” (see Revelation 3:15-16).
5. When using the ATM, take a moment to pray for the poor around
the world. You might also choose an ATM password that reminds
you to pray.
6. While waiting at a stoplight, pray, “Lord, let righteousness
go before me and prepare the way ahead” (see Psalm 85:13).
7. When picking up a pen or pencil, pray, “Father, write your
words on the tablet of my heart” (see Proverbs 3:3).
8. As you see your reflection in a mirror or store window, pray,
“Father, let my life reflect, more and more, the image of
Your Son” (see Romans 8:29).
9. When saying goodbye to a friend, “God, be with him or her until
we meet again.”
10. When turning a light on or off, “Jesus, let me walk in the light,
as You are in the light” (see 1 John 1:7).
As we welcome the New Year and cultivate these habits, I share these praise, prayer, and thanksgiving snippets again for our upliftment.
May you have a wonderful year, filled with God’s blessings!