Have faith that it will work out for you!
Have you ever stepped out on faith and did something you were scared of doing? courageous of you! There are people who want to begin a project, run a marathon, write a book, sing solo in a choir, turn a hobby into a business, etc., but keep procrastinating. Fear of failing, other people’s opinion, financial obligations, or feeling just too comfortable with the status quo may prevent some people from even trying.
A friend recently told me to post my blogs on social media. By not having an account on any of these platforms, you can surmise that I am not a fan. I would even warn people not to post a video or picture of me, which often fall on deaf ears when others reveal they saw me at events posted on Facebook or Instagram, whew! My friend went on to list the reasons why I should post the blogs, and I understood where he was coming from. However, while there are some positive attributes to social media,
I am hesitant about putting myself out there. So on the inside, I cowered and moaned to myself…do I really have to?
I am an encourager and would give advice to others to push themselves.
I remember during one college course we were asked to prepare a learning contract—a life experience that you gain after overcoming a problem or an opportunity that you pursued. Some of my peers were stuck, so I prodded them to talk a bit about their lives and then gave them ideas and input as to how they could shape their experience into a paper. Ironically, it took me a long time to come up with my own plan, but it was amazing to see how the others caught the vision for themselves and followed through.
So often people can see the potential in you that you are often blind to or are unwilling to acknowledge yourself. My friend said, “We are called to discipleship to get people to hear and know more about Christ through any avenue that’s available. Your messages inspire and uplift people and should be shared since you never know whose life you would impact.” Enough said, I get it!
Perhaps, you need a nudge. It can be that Christ has put a desire in your heart or someone has called on you to do something outside your comfort zone—may not even be anything monumental. I hope this motivates you to step out on faith. What’s the worst that can happen? Let’s confront the elephant in the room…failure. So what? You could gain the experience of what works, doesn’t, and have good information to advise others and move on to the next step. The author, John Mason, stated “It is always better to fail in doing something than to excel at doing nothing.” You don’t want to wake up one day full of regrets. Please give it a try because you’ll never know if you don’t step out!
Listen to Nick Vujicic for inspiration,