A Christmas Message

I love the warm days of summer, but can endure the deep freeze at Christmas because it is my favorite time of the year! The beautiful sites, delicious food, gifts, friends and family gatherings, all make this holiday very special to me.
Sadly, it can be a difficult time for some people. I imagine that some may become depressed because they have no one with whom to share the holidays. The reason may be out of their control or simply a disagreement that caused a relationship to end. People who had near-death spiritual encounters reported that the most significant message they received was one of building and sustaining great relationships. It was not about power, money, or accomplishments, but the way they interacted with the people who came into their lives.
As the saying goes, people come into our lives for a reason, season, or lifetime. At any given point, we can create new friendships and, with open minds, connect with anyone regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, or religion. Have a fractured relationship? You can forgive and move on or work to improve it—a brief hello in person or writing is sometimes all it takes to capture or re-capture the bond. At this special time of gratitude for Christ’s birth and our lives, let us decide to put aside our differences and make it one of sharing, caring, and loving each other.
I wish you a joyous season filled with many happy memories and a fantastic New Year! If you are not feeling it as yet, perhaps this song will get you in the mood